*** Joins: Rob [~robr@] has joined #chat443 [10:34] [#chat443] Names: [ Rob ] [@Guest443 ] [#chat443] Channel created on Thu Nov 14 22:34:00 2002 Hello. hi Who is this? :) just a stranger How did you find the site? i was scanning and i found your ip :) Yeah, I figured. Now I have the IP of your browser and the IP of your scanner. *** Guest443 [~guest443@fornica.tion.ca] is now known as teiubesc i'm glad So what's the deal? well nothing important Then why are you scanning me? i was just courious i scan everybody :P Everybody? Isn't that a lot of IPs? yes it is this is what i am doing How many of the four billion have you done so far? Have you tried any IPv6? is my hobby :) nope Have you considered getting a girlfriend instead? i scann only roots Linux servers LOL i have one but she is faar away Good for you. And yet you're using Windows 98 as a desktop. Good for you. You must be so l337. :) You really have nothing better to do? l337 ? translate please leet. hax0r for elite. :) something like that So what do you do to a host after you scan it? well i make it safe and secure btw i live in Europe :) What part of Europe? I'm European myself. i come from a country called Romania :) Coo - I had a friend that moved here from there, I'm in Canada. i know i saw the dns of the ip :) So I take it you're just proxying through max-data? yup i am not stupid you know :) Really? You could have had me fooled. i don't care i really don't , that is not so important for me You've got nothing better to do than portscan and be a script kiddie. That doesn't really impress me much. nope you see i am poor i am trying to get some money :) so i scann roots How do you get money doing this? i am making script kiddie on roots i hack And what do you do with all these roots? than i sell them i keep the roots i sell only script kiddie someting called psybnc :) Who buys that shit? some freak's from here :) is not my problem my problem is to make money There are no better ways to do that? nope i tried to get a job there are no jobs availeble They wouldn't hire someone your age? i graduated IT highscool i am 19 and i know lot about linux and security on Linux servers Have you considered going to school? i can't Oh, really? What do you know about securing Linux servers? i am too por well i know how to keep them faar away from l337 And how do you do that? well , this is a profesional secret :) I'm not asking you to teach me anything, kid. lol :) plase don't take it as an offense Ha! You just follow scripts, that's all I've seen - you don't actually know anything. scripts don't secure servers dude scripts just brake them So how do you secure them? i just make some changes in the configuration of the server Like? so l337 won't connect to them anymore ill give you one example Yeah, but what kind of changes? Do you understand the changes, or just follow instructions? i see you have ssh version 2.9 Okay. So? till here is Ok listen my advice delete user apache and nobody from you linux server or filter port 443 Ha! Go ahead. Try. + failed to connect i can't Do you know what a honeypot is? nope Didn't think so. You might want to look that one up. tell me what is it ? And you might also want to not trust the version strings that servers send back. Geez. Just type it in to google. honeypot music ? Keep looking. :P Try a combination like "Apache honeypot" or "security honeypot" . Hackers caught in security 'honeypot' LOL So do you know what a honeypot is now? wtf is that ? Try reading the whole thing. oh a trap Riiiiight. So what did we learn today? LOL Do you still really think I've got the well-published Apache+mod_ssl vulnerability? LOL So what portscanner are you using? 443 443? Do you know what a portscanner is? nope Ever heard of nmap? yes namp or strobe nmap is a portscanner. It scans ports. Which portscanner do you use? strobe and some time nmap Have you written any tools yourself? no Have you done anything yourself other than follow other people's instructions? yes Like? trying new scanners But you're just using other people's scanners. That doesn't exactly make you smart. yea i know So what makes you smart? nothin` i gtg cya Where are you going? Come on, this is almost as much fun as self-disembowelment! seby@sebi.ro mail me :) Thanks! I might, I might not. You know how to find me. *** Quits: teiubesc:#chat443 [~guest443@fornica.tion.ca] (Remote closed the connection)